September 13, 2010
20 Months!
Wow how time flies when you're having fun! Eva is a very active toddler always exploring and tearing things up. She loves to be outside and will bring me her shoes and say outside, she is a demanding child (don't know where she got that from). I can't believe all the things she says like.."want this" and "hold you" of course sometimes she will say "move!". She will pretty much repeat what we say which is not always a good thing. Oh, I love it when I take her shopping and she looks through the clothes and says "cute." We are going to be great shopping buddies. She has started a Mother's Morning Out program a couple days a week and she really likes it, she gets to play with other kids her age and go outside. I can't believe how fast she is growing!
June 25, 2010
Summer Time
We just got back from the Outer Banks and had a great time with family! Eva enjoyed playing in the sand and running to the ocean. She mostly liked to kick or smash anything we built and play in her blow-up pool we brought for her. She did have a fever for a couple days, she has her molars coming in and that can't be fun. She is talking up a storm and repeating almost everything we say. She loves to play outside although it is so HOT these days we don't stay out very long. Hope everyone has a GREAT summer!!
April 6, 2010
Spring Is Here!
We have had such a busy couple of months. Eva has grown leaps and bounds since her first birthday and is becoming quite the toddler. She is moving fast and climbing all over stuff. She loves to go to her little table and sit in "her size" chairs. She started standing in the tub and I say "sit down" and now that is one of her favorite things to say and it is adorable! She also says, eyes, nose, no, yes just to name a few and the rest is in her own personal Evalanguage which she is very serious about. She loves Meow Meows and I love the way her mouth moves when she says it. Sometimes she will just run up to us and give kisses or a hug which is heart warming. Easter was great she picked up a few eggs at the hunts but more acorns, I think she will get a better hang of it next year. She really loved opening all the eggs to see if there was candy inside. I will post some newer pics soon!

February 25, 2010
Eva Walking
Well we all knew this had to happen...but now Eva is not only walking, she is pretty much running to get where she wants to go! I don't know if I can keep up!! It is so surreal to see her become a toddler instead of a baby she is growing up so fast. And she is sooo silly too with all the noises and playing she likes to do. She has become so verbal trying to repeat everything you say it's so amazing. Anyways this is a short little video I took a couple weeks ago when Eva first started walking. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!!
January 28, 2010
Gymnast was Sunday night (the night of the big storm here) and there were things blowing around outside making a bunch of noise. Well, I put Eva to bed and she was really upset about it, which has become a big trend arounds here. It's funny how you think things are going one way and they abruptly change. Anyways, she was crying in her crib and I was sitting at the computer and all of the sudden we here a big THUD! and Jeremy and I both jet into the nursery and there she is on the floor. I think she was stunned that she actually got out that she wasn't making noise. I got her up and checked her out and she was fine, but I was shaking for the next hour. That is quite a drop from the top of the crib and I can't imagine how she did it. But I sure would like to have seen how she did!! Well here crib wasn't on the lowest setting but it is now and was immediately after. We havn't had that happen since but I am always thinking it will. ;-)
January 12, 2010
Note From Mommy
My Sweet Angel, it's hard to believe it has been a year since you were born and what a wonderful year it has been! Just remembering you in my belly and bringing you home gives me tears of joy. You have grown to be such a wonderful baby girl I couldn't ask for anything more. Just a little about you now...your hair is stawberry blonde and it curles after your bath which I love; your eyes are dark and sometimes green like your daddy's; you still have your daddy's toes; your smile shows your six teeth and it melts my heart; you are not quite walking (daddy says because I won't put you down) but you stand by yourself and walk a couple steps on your own; you love to pull every pair of shoes out of your shoe drawer and then go play with something else; you love your dolls and your blanket but still not too fond of your car seat. You amaze me everyday with your fun and cute personality! All My Love, Mommy
Happy Birthday Eva!
We had such a wonderful weekend! We started off with Eva's "play date" party on Saturday and the kids had so much fun! She was the only girl ofcourse playing with all boys but it went great. They were all so cute! She really dug into her cake and LOVED it! Although she did like the tissue paper more than the gifts when it was time to open the presents. She did great and took a LONG nap after eveyone left. Sunday was quite crazy with the family party after church. It was so nice that my granparents could make meant alot for everyone to come and celebrate with us!! Oh, her giant cupcakes were made by Mimi, thanks! They were sooo cute and yummy too. It was so much fun decorating, making all the treats and tying down all the balloons. Jeremy even helped with the streamers and they looked GREAT! Eva was so much fun at both her parties. I know she won't remember her first birthday but we will and it was Absolutely Wonderful! We Love You Sweetie! Happy First Birthday!! Kisses ;-)
January 7, 2010
Birthday Weekend!
One might this this is a bit premature...but if you know me you know I believe in the Birthday Week or Weekend. Not just one day but many!! And that is the case for Eva, I figured I would start her off right, in my tradition ofcourse. So here is to the beginning of your Birthday Weekend my sweet Angel! Kisses!!
January 5, 2010
Just One More Week!
We can't believe Eva will be 1 year old in a week. Time sure does fly when you are having sooo much fun! She has become such a big girl, she loves to play with the big kids and prefers to be with them when she is in the nursery at church. So she usually ends up in the 3-5 class playing with giant legos and whatever else she can find. She has some really cute things she does like say "Yeah" and clap; and "Oh" when she drops something liker her sippy cup or passy and my favorite is her jibborish talk she makes the cutest sounds. Lately in the mornings when she wakes up she peers over the side of her crib where there is a mountain of stuffed animals and dolls and gets so excited and squeals and bounces up and down she loves her stuffed animals and blankets. We had her ears pierced Saturday with gold balls and they look beautiful. Yes, she cried for a while but daddy fixed it with a Coca Cola Icee she eventually calmed down.

For Jeremy's sake I hate to say she is such a mommy's girl although she says da-da all the time. We are attached at the hip (but I wouldn't have it any other way). She is so sweet. She has now gotten to where she will lay with you on the couch on Saturday mornings and watch alittle TV, Nick Jr. of course. She LOVES the wonder pets and gets so excited when they come on. We are looking forward to many more adventures coming up soon! Check out some recent pics just posted on the link!
For Jeremy's sake I hate to say she is such a mommy's girl although she says da-da all the time. We are attached at the hip (but I wouldn't have it any other way). She is so sweet. She has now gotten to where she will lay with you on the couch on Saturday mornings and watch alittle TV, Nick Jr. of course. She LOVES the wonder pets and gets so excited when they come on. We are looking forward to many more adventures coming up soon! Check out some recent pics just posted on the link!
January 4, 2010
Christmas Blessing
We had such a wonderful Christmas and New Years break. Eva was so much fun at Christmas getting into everything. We got so spoiled being at home with her the past few days. Now that she is feeling better she is so happy and playing up a storm constantly learning how to do new things, like get on her pony by herself and pick up the balls and put them in their popper. Well her birthday is coming up next week so I will keep some of my gooshyness for then!
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