Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

August 23, 2008

Are you Sure??

Yes, we are having a girl (hooray!) and yes that is the question Jeremy asked a couple minutes after she told us the first time. I guess he was in disbelief but happy nonetheless. She is doing good and is very active. The ultrasound pics didn't come out too well because she wouldn't stay still and she was positioned right under my belly button. :-) No biggy, there are a couple of good ones of her face and feet. I go again in about three weeks for another ultrasound, in the mean time say a little prayer for her.
I believe she is smiling in this one!

I LOVE the little foot!

This one you can see her eye lense
( I thought interesting...but I am partial!)

August 18, 2008

Baby Names

So I asked Bella my six year old niece what I should name the baby if it was a boy and she said Chris (which i have always liked Christopher) and if it was a girl she would name it Jetta (which I always liked Volkswagens, hehe). I thought it was cute though and at the rate Jeremy and I are going with agreeing on anything for the baby it might just be one of the two. So if you want, tell me what you think and if you have any names to add. By the way I go to the Dr. on Friday so we'll be able to narrow it down. :-)

August 13, 2008

Short & Sweet

So we are back from Delaware and it's good to me home! We went to a wedding of one of Jeremy's friends and it was beautiful! It was on a golf course and we couldn't have had better weather (for this time of year). Here are some other pics of us and the State Park we visited one day.

August 4, 2008

3 Weeks!

So, we are sceduled to find out the sex on August 22, and we are sooo excited! My appointment Friday went good and the baby's heartbeat is 155bpm, it took the nurse longer this time to find it than the last and that was no fun. But everything is good so far. We are headed to Delaware for a wedding on Wednesday so its going to be a CRAZY week.