Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

September 30, 2008

And The Winner Is??

OK, so more people than not want us to go ahead and name our little Princess and.....we have! However, Jeremy and I have decided to wait and tell but I will post some possibilities and ya'll let us know which one you think it is. ;-)

September 26, 2008


We had an extensive ultrasound this morning and everything checked out GREAT! Everything is growing as it should and believe me they looked at everything. We saw her playing with her feet and resting her chin on her hands. I actually saw her kick and felt it at the same time! Oh, forgot to mention that she said her toes were long and skinny and that as of now the second one is longer than her first (which would mean she takes after her Daddy!). Enjoy the pics!;-)
This is a her profile.

Her face resting on her hands.

She's playing with her toes.

September 17, 2008

Great News

I had another ultrasound yesterday and the doctor said everything looked good. So far she's growing good and there are no signs of anything abnormal! She is still hiding behind the placenta so he requested that I have another ultrasound in two weeks downtown. It's a high powered machine and they can see more (they are not able to see and get some measurements they need). She was so cute, she was resting her head on her hand for a second then she coverd her face with her hand for most of the ultrasound. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Every morning when I feel her kick it's such a relief and blessing from God. ;-)

September 15, 2008

Need I Say More?

I had to share this I thought it was so cute. This was made for our Princess by Lori and Greg. If you don't know this is their son Owen. ;-)

September 12, 2008

Show Off

So we recently went to the Mayo wedding where Jeremy was a groomsmen. It was a wedding filled weekend but it was very nice and I enjoyed hanging out with Emily who is four months along. Here is a picture of Jeremy and me (in my official wedding dress of the season) at the wedding. Just wanted to show off my tan!!! We have another ultrasound on Tuesday so I'm sure I will have some news to share! ;-)

September 9, 2008

To name or not to name....

It's always something...and now it's her name. Jeremy and I could decide on a name today if we needed to but we don't feel that its necessary. We are taking our time and just waiting and discussing names every now and again. So we have been telling everyone that we will probably wait till closer to the day if not the day of. It's very important that her name is perfect for her don't you agree? Don't get me wrong if we have a sudden epiphany she could be named tomorrow. Tell us what you think about waiting or going ahead and making the decision. By the way, vacation was great and we had wonderful weather. ;-)