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October 29, 2008

The Lord Is Good!

As my Papaw Crocker would say "The Lord Is Good!" And wouldn't you agree?! Can you believe technology these days?! I went to the Dr. for two appointments yesterday; my sugar test (will know results next week) and an ultrasound. Marmie and Pam joined us and it was amaizing! Jeremy and I had discussed a 3D ultrasound but he said "we'll see her in a coule months anyway" so we decided not to do a long one. But, we are blessed to get to see her in 4D at all ultrasounds and so here are some of the best photos from yesterday's. We got to watch her in 4D too and she would open and shut her mouth and move her arms and legs. Oh, I am on the everyweek shedule with the Dr. now for a stress test (just to listen to the baby for an extended period of time). She is weighing in at approximately 2 lbs, and everything is looking good! xoxox
Her cord is across her cheek and nose in the face pics and you can tell her second toe is longer than her first like her daddy's. It dosn't get more precious than this. To look at a specific pic just click on it.

October 20, 2008

Congrats You're Officially In The 3rd Trimester!

So I went to the Dr. today for a 27 week check-up and he said everything looked good and this is the start of the 3rd trimester!! How exciting. I go next Tuesday for my sugar test and an ultrasound. ;-)

October 10, 2008

So exciting!!

Well we have decided to tell everyone her name which is Eva. Her name in Hebrew means Life or Living One, which has a very special meaning to us. Although Jeremy was leaning towards Savannah he decided when or if we have another girl after this that will be her name. So, the long wait is over!! ;-)

October 7, 2008

Isabella and the Puppies

We had our niece Bella over on Saturday to play with the puppies and have pizza night. She was so excited and we had such a nice time together. So, here are some recent pics of her and the pups (although she likes to remind me they're not puppies anymore). ;-)