Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

June 10, 2009

Life is Sweet

It's such a blessing to have a baby. Of course she has her moments (she gets that from me!) but she is such a happy natured baby. One of my favorite parts of our time together is rocking her at night and singing to her, she always looks up at me and smiles (usually with her passy in her mouth) and I don't want to put her down! We gave her baby food prunes for the first time this week hoping that will help her system. Technically the Dr. doesn't want her to have food until the week before her 6 week appt. (b/c she doesn't drink enough milk daily)but as my mom says "sometimes you have to take things into your own hands." She loves it! She is going to be such a good eater just like her mommy and daddy (well hopefully not as picky as daddy). So, so far so good. ;-)