We had an ultrasound yesterday to check many different things but most importantly everything checked out great! She weighs 5lbs 10oz and is growing proportionately. She is definitely head down and now we are just waiting (and cleaning everything in the house). She's not been very photogenic in the womb lately but that's OK we'll see her soon anyways. Here are some pics from yesterdays ultrasound and I will try and post some shower pics tomorrow. By the way my papaw Crocker passed away last week and I know he was praying for Baby Eva everyday and now he'll just do it from Heaven.
Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, proof of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
December 30, 2008
December 9, 2008
The Countdown Begins
Well, we went for an ultrasound, NST and Dr. appt. today. Everything looks good, she is growing proportionate but is measuring at 32 weeks and is about 4lbs 4oz. But the doctors aren't worried. They said babies don't usually put on alot of weight until the last couple weeks but that she could just be a petite baby. I'm alittle tired and dehydrated but that's OK stocking up on some extra water today. As of now my last day at work is January 9th and I will return on April 6. I have my regular NST appt.'s weekly and my next ultrasound is in 3 weeks. We are extremely excited and anxious trying to find a place for all the baby stuff, clothes and buying the last of the necessities! We are definitely looking forward to Christmas! ;-)
November 13, 2008
Showers of Blessings!
Hey everyone, we have had quite the busy last couple of weeks. I want to thank Lori, Greg and Owen for the sweet and intimate luncheon baby shower. We all had a great time and it was so sweet for everyone to join us. Also, I want to thank Marmie and everyone that helped with my family baby shower, it was so nice to see some family I had not seen in a while. The nursery is coming along but we still have some finishing touches. I have my weekly stress tests and so far so good! My next ultrasound is in a couple weeks. I will be posting pictures from all our events to the right in our photo gallery, so enjoy!!;-)
October 29, 2008
The Lord Is Good!
As my Papaw Crocker would say "The Lord Is Good!" And wouldn't you agree?! Can you believe technology these days?! I went to the Dr. for two appointments yesterday; my sugar test (will know results next week) and an ultrasound. Marmie and Pam joined us and it was amaizing! Jeremy and I had discussed a 3D ultrasound but he said "we'll see her in a coule months anyway" so we decided not to do a long one. But, we are blessed to get to see her in 4D at all ultrasounds and so here are some of the best photos from yesterday's. We got to watch her in 4D too and she would open and shut her mouth and move her arms and legs. Oh, I am on the everyweek shedule with the Dr. now for a stress test (just to listen to the baby for an extended period of time). She is weighing in at approximately 2 lbs, and everything is looking good! xoxox
Her cord is across her cheek and nose in the face pics and you can tell her second toe is longer than her first like her daddy's. It dosn't get more precious than this. To look at a specific pic just click on it.
Her cord is across her cheek and nose in the face pics and you can tell her second toe is longer than her first like her daddy's. It dosn't get more precious than this. To look at a specific pic just click on it.
October 20, 2008
Congrats You're Officially In The 3rd Trimester!
So I went to the Dr. today for a 27 week check-up and he said everything looked good and this is the start of the 3rd trimester!! How exciting. I go next Tuesday for my sugar test and an ultrasound. ;-)
October 10, 2008
So exciting!!
Well we have decided to tell everyone her name which is Eva. Her name in Hebrew means Life or Living One, which has a very special meaning to us. Although Jeremy was leaning towards Savannah he decided when or if we have another girl after this that will be her name. So, the long wait is over!! ;-)
October 7, 2008
Isabella and the Puppies
September 30, 2008
And The Winner Is??
OK, so more people than not want us to go ahead and name our little Princess and.....we have! However, Jeremy and I have decided to wait and tell but I will post some possibilities and ya'll let us know which one you think it is. ;-)
September 26, 2008
We had an extensive ultrasound this morning and everything checked out GREAT! Everything is growing as it should and believe me they looked at everything. We saw her playing with her feet and resting her chin on her hands. I actually saw her kick and felt it at the same time! Oh, forgot to mention that she said her toes were long and skinny and that as of now the second one is longer than her first (which would mean she takes after her Daddy!). Enjoy the pics!;-)
This is a her profile.

Her face resting on her hands.

She's playing with her toes.
This is a her profile.

Her face resting on her hands.

She's playing with her toes.

September 17, 2008
Great News
I had another ultrasound yesterday and the doctor said everything looked good. So far she's growing good and there are no signs of anything abnormal! She is still hiding behind the placenta so he requested that I have another ultrasound in two weeks downtown. It's a high powered machine and they can see more (they are not able to see and get some measurements they need). She was so cute, she was resting her head on her hand for a second then she coverd her face with her hand for most of the ultrasound. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Every morning when I feel her kick it's such a relief and blessing from God. ;-)

September 15, 2008
Need I Say More?
September 12, 2008
Show Off
So we recently went to the Mayo wedding where Jeremy was a groomsmen. It was a wedding filled weekend but it was very nice and I enjoyed hanging out with Emily who is four months along. Here is a picture of Jeremy and me (in my official wedding dress of the season) at the wedding. Just wanted to show off my tan!!! We have another ultrasound on Tuesday so I'm sure I will have some news to share! ;-)

September 9, 2008
To name or not to name....
It's always something...and now it's her name. Jeremy and I could decide on a name today if we needed to but we don't feel that its necessary. We are taking our time and just waiting and discussing names every now and again. So we have been telling everyone that we will probably wait till closer to the day if not the day of. It's very important that her name is perfect for her don't you agree? Don't get me wrong if we have a sudden epiphany she could be named tomorrow. Tell us what you think about waiting or going ahead and making the decision. By the way, vacation was great and we had wonderful weather. ;-)
August 23, 2008
Are you Sure??
Yes, we are having a girl (hooray!) and yes that is the question Jeremy asked a couple minutes after she told us the first time. I guess he was in disbelief but happy nonetheless. She is doing good and is very active. The ultrasound pics didn't come out too well because she wouldn't stay still and she was positioned right under my belly button. :-) No biggy, there are a couple of good ones of her face and feet. I go again in about three weeks for another ultrasound, in the mean time say a little prayer for her.
I believe she is smiling in this one!

I LOVE the little foot!

This one you can see her eye lense
( I thought interesting...but I am partial!)
I believe she is smiling in this one!

I LOVE the little foot!

This one you can see her eye lense
( I thought interesting...but I am partial!)

August 18, 2008
Baby Names

So I asked Bella my six year old niece what I should name the baby if it was a boy and she said Chris (which i have always liked Christopher) and if it was a girl she would name it Jetta (which I always liked Volkswagens, hehe). I thought it was cute though and at the rate Jeremy and I are going with agreeing on anything for the baby it might just be one of the two. So if you want, tell me what you think and if you have any names to add. By the way I go to the Dr. on Friday so we'll be able to narrow it down. :-)
August 13, 2008
Short & Sweet
August 4, 2008
3 Weeks!
So, we are sceduled to find out the sex on August 22, and we are sooo excited! My appointment Friday went good and the baby's heartbeat is 155bpm, it took the nurse longer this time to find it than the last and that was no fun. But everything is good so far. We are headed to Delaware for a wedding on Wednesday so its going to be a CRAZY week.
July 21, 2008
Nap Anyone?
So I tried to get some stuff done around the house this weekend (unsuccessfully), I am just too tired. If anyone knows a good house cleaner let Jeremy know :-). Thanks to some help from mom a couple weeks ago we cleaned out the back room and left just the nursery furniture which I have all but a rocker and the changing table my sister will give me soon. Jeremy and I haven't come to an agreement on the nursery theme yet, i guess it will come together when we find out if it is a prince or princess. I am feeling good though, my headaches have lightened up and morning sickness comes and goes. Although I have only gained a couple pounds my body is already shifting right out of my normal clothes so I am definitely full time in my maternity clothes. I already have a lot and I have accrued a bit more, ya'll know how I like to shop! I was visiting with Mamaw and Papaw Crocker this weekend and Mamaw gave me a gold ring and silver locket necklace she wore when she was a baby and that has to be one of the sweetest gifts I have received thus far. I can't wait to put them in a little jewelry box in the nursery. My next appointment is August 1 so I will keep you posted!
July 16, 2008
Another Gift From God
We have been praying for two years for another chance to be where we are today. We feel blessed and happy along with a lot of other emotions during this time. I have had three appointments so far and two ultrasounds one at 8 weeks and one at 10 weeks. We have waited this long to tell our news because of anxiety on my part really. My most recent appointment was last Friday for 13 weeks and we heard the heartbeat. I cried the whole time, scared tears then tears of relief. The doctors want to keep a close eye on me so I will go to the doctor every 3 weeks. I hope everyone enjoys this journey Jeremy and I are taking together.
This was my 10 week ultrasound, the last one was 3D which was cool to see.
This was my 10 week ultrasound, the last one was 3D which was cool to see.

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