Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

August 18, 2008

Baby Names

So I asked Bella my six year old niece what I should name the baby if it was a boy and she said Chris (which i have always liked Christopher) and if it was a girl she would name it Jetta (which I always liked Volkswagens, hehe). I thought it was cute though and at the rate Jeremy and I are going with agreeing on anything for the baby it might just be one of the two. So if you want, tell me what you think and if you have any names to add. By the way I go to the Dr. on Friday so we'll be able to narrow it down. :-)


Heather & Rob Beck said...

I totally understand about not agreeing on anything! Rob and I could come to agreement on girl stuff but now that we've confirmed today we're having a BOY it should be interesting to see what we finally agree on! haha. Good luck!

heather said...

I know whatever name ya'll choose will be perfect! I personally like Grace, Hope and Faith, and I pray everyday that God will shower you with those things!

Lori said...

I think Lori and Lucy are pretty good names??????