Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

July 21, 2008

Nap Anyone?

So I tried to get some stuff done around the house this weekend (unsuccessfully), I am just too tired. If anyone knows a good house cleaner let Jeremy know :-). Thanks to some help from mom a couple weeks ago we cleaned out the back room and left just the nursery furniture which I have all but a rocker and the changing table my sister will give me soon. Jeremy and I haven't come to an agreement on the nursery theme yet, i guess it will come together when we find out if it is a prince or princess. I am feeling good though, my headaches have lightened up and morning sickness comes and goes. Although I have only gained a couple pounds my body is already shifting right out of my normal clothes so I am definitely full time in my maternity clothes. I already have a lot and I have accrued a bit more, ya'll know how I like to shop! I was visiting with Mamaw and Papaw Crocker this weekend and Mamaw gave me a gold ring and silver locket necklace she wore when she was a baby and that has to be one of the sweetest gifts I have received thus far. I can't wait to put them in a little jewelry box in the nursery. My next appointment is August 1 so I will keep you posted!

July 16, 2008

Another Gift From God

We have been praying for two years for another chance to be where we are today. We feel blessed and happy along with a lot of other emotions during this time. I have had three appointments so far and two ultrasounds one at 8 weeks and one at 10 weeks. We have waited this long to tell our news because of anxiety on my part really. My most recent appointment was last Friday for 13 weeks and we heard the heartbeat. I cried the whole time, scared tears then tears of relief. The doctors want to keep a close eye on me so I will go to the doctor every 3 weeks. I hope everyone enjoys this journey Jeremy and I are taking together.

This was my 10 week ultrasound, the last one was 3D which was cool to see.

baby 2009