Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

July 21, 2008

Nap Anyone?

So I tried to get some stuff done around the house this weekend (unsuccessfully), I am just too tired. If anyone knows a good house cleaner let Jeremy know :-). Thanks to some help from mom a couple weeks ago we cleaned out the back room and left just the nursery furniture which I have all but a rocker and the changing table my sister will give me soon. Jeremy and I haven't come to an agreement on the nursery theme yet, i guess it will come together when we find out if it is a prince or princess. I am feeling good though, my headaches have lightened up and morning sickness comes and goes. Although I have only gained a couple pounds my body is already shifting right out of my normal clothes so I am definitely full time in my maternity clothes. I already have a lot and I have accrued a bit more, ya'll know how I like to shop! I was visiting with Mamaw and Papaw Crocker this weekend and Mamaw gave me a gold ring and silver locket necklace she wore when she was a baby and that has to be one of the sweetest gifts I have received thus far. I can't wait to put them in a little jewelry box in the nursery. My next appointment is August 1 so I will keep you posted!

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