Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

September 9, 2008

To name or not to name....

It's always something...and now it's her name. Jeremy and I could decide on a name today if we needed to but we don't feel that its necessary. We are taking our time and just waiting and discussing names every now and again. So we have been telling everyone that we will probably wait till closer to the day if not the day of. It's very important that her name is perfect for her don't you agree? Don't get me wrong if we have a sudden epiphany she could be named tomorrow. Tell us what you think about waiting or going ahead and making the decision. By the way, vacation was great and we had wonderful weather. ;-)

1 comment:

heather said...

Pleeeeeze name her now!! I can't get anything monogrammed if you don't! Ha Ha!! And although I believe it should fit her, i also believe it should be personal and meaningful to you as well, after all, she is an extension of you.