Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

January 14, 2009

The Most Precious Gift

Eva Brook was welcomed into our family on January 12, 2009 at 7:02 pm, and was 6lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. She is the most beautiful baby in the world. She is perfect from the top of her head to her tiny toes. She has a head full of brown hair with blonde highlights and a beauty mark on her left cheek. Since we are going home today, we will make this short and sweet (kind of like our sleep ;-). Everyone is welcome to come visit just give one of us a call. We will post more soon and definetely more pics shortly. We could go on and on (which we are sure we will soon) but once you see her it says it all. Thanks for sharing this prebirth journey with the real fun begins!!!


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations!!! Eva is the most adorable little girl. I cant wait to hold her again. We will definitely be calling to come visit with you all soon.

katiebeth20 said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Heather & Rob Beck said...

Congrats....she's precious! I'm jealous...I'm that much more ready to meet our little guy now! I think he's more concentrated on just hanging out and staying warm right now though haha!

Emily Tennant said...

She is gorgeous!! Seeing her just makes me even more excited about meeting our little man!! Congrats...she is perfect!!