Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

May 15, 2009

1st Mothers Day/Baby Dedication

Mothers Day was such a special day for me and Eva. Not only did I get to celebrate having such a wonderful little baby, but she was dedicated at our church. This meant so much to us and all our family came too. I pray every night that she grows up to be a witness for the Lord and his faithful servant. After all he is the one who is the source of all our blessing. We had such a wonderful time at lunch with our parents and visits later. It was truly one of the best days I have had in a long time.

Eva is such a great baby sleeping through the night 5 out of 7 nights of the week and loving to play in her exercaucer and sometimes her johnny jump up. We love to watch her play with her feet and stare endlessly at her own hands. She has decided 9pm is her bedtime which gives me an hour or so to get her diaper bag ready and finish up some chores for the next day. I can't believe it was like all at once she grew out of everything (not that we don't have a closet full of clothes people have given her).

She had her 4 month appointment yesterday and the doctor said she was perfect (which wasn't news to me) weighing in at 13.1 lbs and 24 inches. She had to get a few shots which wasn't too bad.

I have uploaded some new photos ;-)

1 comment:

KelseyMoore said...

Hey! She is so big and it is so wonderful isn't it! I was looking at all your pictures - you guys seem to be doing really great. Hopefully one weekend this summer we could all get together, you guys, us and the whitcombs. That would be fun! BTW I love the Owen Onsie, that is hilarious.
Have a good week,