Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

July 14, 2009

6 months! How time flies!

How what a true statement, we can't believe Eva is already 6 months old. We have been so busy lately. July 4th weekend at a concert in the park and fun on the lake. She had her first haircut. Last week we had our first family pictures taken and her 6mo. pics and they turned out wonderful! Can't wait to get them for everyone to see. We had a visit from Meemaw Brown and Aunt Shawn and had such a great time! It is so nice to spend time with family, wish we got to see them more often. Eva had her 6 month appointment yesterday and she weighs 15 lbs and is 25 inches long and is PERFECT! The doctor said everything looked GREAT! What more could we ask for. Every moment with her is special and we are so blessed to have her and to share her with everyone. We are very thankful for her sweet nature and how she brings so much happiness to our family. We have posted some new pics!

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