Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

December 13, 2009

Christmas is oh so near!

We have had a very busy and exciting weekend! We did some Christmas shopping on Saturday morning and then went to see Santa (Uncle Marty). She was so cute. It took alittle while for her to warm up to him but then she was fine. We are so proud of her she did so good and we took some great pictures. She is growing and changing so fast, I can't believe she will be 1 year old in less than a month. She has four teeth on top, two in on the bottom and one more coming in on the bottom. She is going through alot but I always keep some anbesol on hand. We put in her big girl seat in the car this weekend, it is still rear facing but only for another month and then I think she may like riding in the car more, especially when she can see mommy. We are so excited to start our Christmas traditions this year and know that there are alot to come. She is such a wonderful baby and we thank God for her everyday. Here is her best shot with Santa!

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