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December 13, 2009

Christmas is oh so near!

We have had a very busy and exciting weekend! We did some Christmas shopping on Saturday morning and then went to see Santa (Uncle Marty). She was so cute. It took alittle while for her to warm up to him but then she was fine. We are so proud of her she did so good and we took some great pictures. She is growing and changing so fast, I can't believe she will be 1 year old in less than a month. She has four teeth on top, two in on the bottom and one more coming in on the bottom. She is going through alot but I always keep some anbesol on hand. We put in her big girl seat in the car this weekend, it is still rear facing but only for another month and then I think she may like riding in the car more, especially when she can see mommy. We are so excited to start our Christmas traditions this year and know that there are alot to come. She is such a wonderful baby and we thank God for her everyday. Here is her best shot with Santa!

November 13, 2009

Next is Christmas!

No, I'm not skipping over Thanksgiving, but Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year so I have officially gotten in the Christmas state of mind. Can't wait for the music to play on the radio everyday and get the house decorated and with this being Eva's first Christmas it is so extra special!! One last pick of Eva from October- What a cutie patootie!!!

November 3, 2009


We had such a fun time Saturday night at church. Eva was a little lamb and she was sooooo super cute!! We did have to take the costume off once inside because she was so hot in it. Later she had some cotton candy and LOVED it. We had her pictures made and I can't wait to get them back. We are looking forward to the coming weeks with Thanksgiving, Charleston, Christmas and not to forget her first birthday! We have so much to look forward to. But now we are enjoying the cooler weather and trying to relish all the wonderfull things that Eva does every day. She is such a blessing. ;-)

October 13, 2009

9 Months!

Eva had her 9 month appt. yesterday and she did great. She weighs 17 lbs and is completely healthy. She is such an amazing baby. She is standing up all the time now (especially in her crib) and crawling all over the place. She loves to eat oatmeal and anything else you are eating. We just love her to pieces and can't believe she is already 9 months old. ;-)

September 12, 2009

Hey! Watch our little crawler in action!!

Slow but steady as Mimi says.

8 Months!

I can't believe how much Eva has developed in the last couple of weeks! She has two bottom teeth coming in, has become a full time crawler and waves and says hey and bye bye just to name a few. She is such a joy to play with and loves to be outside. She loves Jack and Bear and always laughs at them and pulls on there ears. Jeremy and I are so blessed to have such a wonderful and healthy baby we can't imagine life without her. Here is a cute pic from our recent beach trip!;-)

July 24, 2009

Eva's 6 month pictures

We had these made about a week and a half ago and Eva did GREAT!

July 14, 2009

6 months! How time flies!

How what a true statement, we can't believe Eva is already 6 months old. We have been so busy lately. July 4th weekend at a concert in the park and fun on the lake. She had her first haircut. Last week we had our first family pictures taken and her 6mo. pics and they turned out wonderful! Can't wait to get them for everyone to see. We had a visit from Meemaw Brown and Aunt Shawn and had such a great time! It is so nice to spend time with family, wish we got to see them more often. Eva had her 6 month appointment yesterday and she weighs 15 lbs and is 25 inches long and is PERFECT! The doctor said everything looked GREAT! What more could we ask for. Every moment with her is special and we are so blessed to have her and to share her with everyone. We are very thankful for her sweet nature and how she brings so much happiness to our family. We have posted some new pics!

June 10, 2009

Life is Sweet

It's such a blessing to have a baby. Of course she has her moments (she gets that from me!) but she is such a happy natured baby. One of my favorite parts of our time together is rocking her at night and singing to her, she always looks up at me and smiles (usually with her passy in her mouth) and I don't want to put her down! We gave her baby food prunes for the first time this week hoping that will help her system. Technically the Dr. doesn't want her to have food until the week before her 6 week appt. (b/c she doesn't drink enough milk daily)but as my mom says "sometimes you have to take things into your own hands." She loves it! She is going to be such a good eater just like her mommy and daddy (well hopefully not as picky as daddy). So, so far so good. ;-)

May 15, 2009

1st Mothers Day/Baby Dedication

Mothers Day was such a special day for me and Eva. Not only did I get to celebrate having such a wonderful little baby, but she was dedicated at our church. This meant so much to us and all our family came too. I pray every night that she grows up to be a witness for the Lord and his faithful servant. After all he is the one who is the source of all our blessing. We had such a wonderful time at lunch with our parents and visits later. It was truly one of the best days I have had in a long time.

Eva is such a great baby sleeping through the night 5 out of 7 nights of the week and loving to play in her exercaucer and sometimes her johnny jump up. We love to watch her play with her feet and stare endlessly at her own hands. She has decided 9pm is her bedtime which gives me an hour or so to get her diaper bag ready and finish up some chores for the next day. I can't believe it was like all at once she grew out of everything (not that we don't have a closet full of clothes people have given her).

She had her 4 month appointment yesterday and the doctor said she was perfect (which wasn't news to me) weighing in at 13.1 lbs and 24 inches. She had to get a few shots which wasn't too bad.

I have uploaded some new photos ;-)

May 5, 2009

Eva's Dedication

This Sunday Eva will be dedicated at our church at 11 am. I know Mothers Day is a special day for everyone, so I just wanted to let you all know. However, if you are interested in coming, just let me know. ;-)

April 27, 2009

Another Monday

It is so hard and no fun to have to go to work on Monday's and leave my little sweet baby. We had such a nice weekend together and with daddy (although I am an Eva hog when I have days off). She is such a good and happy baby and such a delight to be around. As you can see I am obsessed with taking TONS of pictures of her and here are some from our weekend!;-)

April 14, 2009

Easter Bunny

We love the Easter Bunny! Eva couldn't believe her eyes with all the fun stuff in her basket. We had a wonderful Easter with the family. We sang in an Easter Cantata at Church Easter morning and then lunch at Mimi and Papa's a quick visit to Grandaddy's and Supper at Grammy and Pawpaw's. We have so many cute pictures to share, I have already downloaded some but there are more to come! Eva turned 3 Months Old on Easter and what fun we had!!! xoxoxo

April 3, 2009

So Much Love

I went back to work this past Wednesday and boy have I missed my little sweetie!! There is no place I would rather be than with her and JJ ofcourse. She is such a good baby usually content doing whatever and is definitely mommy's little shopping buddy:-). Shopping for her has become an addiction, especially her precious Sunday dresses. She has started growing out of some of her first clothes which is unbelievable, I think back almost three months and can't believe the difference in our lives. We are in our daily rituals and nightly routines which was hard to imagine our first week home. We are blessed to have Mimi (my mom) keep her Monday-Thursday and Grammy (Jeremy's mom) keep her on Friday's. I can go to work easier knowing that they will take such good care of her and spoil her rotten. Her big smile and loving coos will brighten any one's days and melt your heart at the same time. I can't believe how often I get stopped everywhere for everyone to look at her. She is beautiful and wonderfully made. We are truly blessed.

March 4, 2009

Growing Like A Weed

February has been filled with so much fun and memorable moments! We had our first photo shoot with a bunny or that was the plan. It ended up being a mommy and me photo shoot, the bunny kept hopping off and wouldn't stay in the picture...there was one successful shot with the bunny but we didn't get it. Eva was great and was awake the whole time..she had a little accident on me in one of her naked shots (good thing I brought me a change of clothes!). The rest are just precious and online for a limited time if you want to see them just email me and let me know. I bought a couple but we plan to go back for a family session soon. She has started smiling and cooing at us which melts my heart. She is sleeping between 4 and 6 hours at a time at night which is sooo nice. She is starting to like bath time more which did take a few times to get used to. As you can see we are having a great time dressing her up, she has soo many adorable clothes. We go for our two month appointment next week and will share that will you next week. I have posted some new pics so check them out! ;-)

February 14, 2009

Happy One Month Birthday Eva Brook!

Eva went to the doctor Thursday for her one month check up..and everything looked great. She weighed 8lbs 2 oz and measured 21 inches long. It's amazing the difference one month makes. It's being able to tell the difference between her "I'm hungry; I'm sleepy; or I need my diaper changed" cries. How she watches me when I feed her and follows me with her eyes. How she holds my finger when she's eating or just slides her hand right behind her passy to flick it out of her mouth. She has developed such a little personality like how she grunts or pushes away on you when you (Jeremy) messes with her when she's eating, sleeping or changing clothes. It amazes me how God can create a little life inside you and she be born so perfect. We are so thankful for all our family and friends who have supported us over the last three years. I can't begin to share with you the love Jeremy and I feel for her, now we know the meaning of life. She is so precious I just want to watch her all day and night.

January 27, 2009

Our First Two Weeks

These two weeks have been filled with so many friends and family coming to visit Eva. We appreciate all your love, support and food! ;-) We are alittle sleep deprived but she is a really good baby just a little fussy with gas but we switched her formula to something more gentle on her tummy so we hope that helps. I have downloaded some new pics so check them out!

January 14, 2009

The Most Precious Gift

Eva Brook was welcomed into our family on January 12, 2009 at 7:02 pm, and was 6lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. She is the most beautiful baby in the world. She is perfect from the top of her head to her tiny toes. She has a head full of brown hair with blonde highlights and a beauty mark on her left cheek. Since we are going home today, we will make this short and sweet (kind of like our sleep ;-). Everyone is welcome to come visit just give one of us a call. We will post more soon and definetely more pics shortly. We could go on and on (which we are sure we will soon) but once you see her it says it all. Thanks for sharing this prebirth journey with the real fun begins!!!

January 9, 2009

On Leave

I am officially on leave as of Monday January 12 and will return to work April 6. The next step is Baby Eva and we can't wait!!!;-) Talk to you all soon.